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Code of Conduct

Being socially responsible means " not only fulfilling legal expectations, but also going beyond compliance and investing more in human capital , the environment and relations with other stakeholders "

A company that adopts a socially responsible behavior , monitoring and responding to the economic , environmental, social of all stakeholders (stakeholders) also captures the goal of achieving a competitive advantage and maximize profits for the long term. A product , in fact, is not only appreciated for the quality or functional exterior , its value is estimated in large part to the non-material characteristics , such as the conditions of supply , support services and customization , and finally the image the history of the product itself .

It is clear that the commitment " ethics" of an undertaking is entered directly into the so-called value chain so looked forward to the use of new routes and competitive levers consistent with "sustainable development " for the community. Within the global and local market , companies do not have , in fact , an existence of its own, but are entities that live and act in a social fabric that covers various subjects, including civil society was without a doubt a very attentive to ' operated business .

The social and environmental impact of the company must be positive.

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