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Our image tells our story


Intuition and debut

Area Assistenza was founded in the city of Reggio Emilia and the following year in Bologna, with the aim of issuing travel insurance policies in a specific market niche: health care for travelers. All made possible by the partnership with an insurance company specialized in the travel insurance segment.

Soon after, the agency started receiving requests from foreign nationals who needed to subscribe for a travel insurance policy to obtain an incoming visa to Schengen countries on behalf of their family and friend who wished to request a vista to come to Italy.

From visa application the agency started specializing on immigration issues related to immigration procedures such as residence permits ecc.

The next move was then to identify "Area Assistenza – agenzia per stranieri" ( literally, agency foreign nationals )

A beta version of a website, two little agencies, but the need for such a a specialized service started to expand accross territorial boundaries and to expand.

2003 - 2005

The Franchising that works

In 2005 the project of building a national franchising network comes to life.

Area Assistenza Franchising Network receives the Franchising Award for “giving life to a new profession”

Growth happens immediately accross the Italian cities, services and products start to multiply providing a full range of services to our customers.


2008 - 2013


The brand needs refinement: it becomes “Gruppo Europa franchising network – AreaAssistenza – AreaSanitaria – AreaFin, with the goal to respond to the needs of an increasingly heterogeneous and demanding customer.

In 2012 we characterize the brand by defininf our main business area: Gruppo Europa Immigrazione Franchising Network.




Other rewards

Our new brand identity receives the award as an innovative franchising that has been able to confirm its foresight by creating a succesful network.

Ambition leads us to always have new goals: goals that we want to achieve by anticipating the timeframe we live in.

We started a new profession in Italy responding to a fast paced world satisfying the needs of single individuals and families looking for reliable and professional answers to their needs as migrants.




Gruppo Europa Corporate” is brought to light: a brand dedicated exclusively to offer support to companies based in Italy who need to broaden their border by creating new partnerships.

We are at the side of this companies because they do not have to think about burocracy to move around the world.



A new beginnings

We want more drive and challenge ! Today we are Gruppo Europa Moving Peoplebecause we identify ourselves with single individuals, families, corporate companies that live in a world without boundaries.

Young people who build their education and culture abroad, families who have so many different needs in relation to globalization, professionals and entrepreneurs who bring their business outside the set boundaries.




United we stand

Changing developments in ownership meant that Extrabanca became part of the share capital of Gruppo Europa.

Having a bank as a new partner has given us an even more solid structure, capable of offering a range of unique strategic services: mortgages, loans, security deposits and insurance products (IVASS).

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! Strengthened by this unprecedented Union, we stand ready to further broaden our horizons and internationalise our offer: now we have become MOVING PEOPLE – Bridging International Boundaries.


Where will our passion for our work take us? We will make further refinements and become more and more famous throughout the world!

That was our dream in 2017; today we have laid the foundations to reach the whole world!






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