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Cookie Policy

The website movingpeoplewld.com that refers to this Policy on Cookies (the "Website") is operated by GRUPPO EUROPA srl ("owner", "we", "us", "our"). This policy on cookies ("Policy on Cookies") should be read together with our Privacy Policy. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about what we do (and what we do not do) with your personal data and the importance with which we consider the protection of your privacy. We have prepared the following  Policy on Cookies to describe the types of cookies and other technology used on our website and on our platform and to describe the reasons and conditions for the use of cookies. Please note that we cannot offer our Website or our services on your device without sending some of our cookies and/or similar technologies. Therefore you authorize us to use cookies when you use our website and our services. However, you can avoid some cookies by configuring the settings of your browser or refusing third parties directly.

How to notify the user and obtain consent

When visiting the website for the first time, you see a banner at the bottom of the screen informing you that the website uses the cookies described in this Policy. The banner asks if you want more information and contains a link to open the corresponding page. If you decide to ignore the notification and continue to use the website, it will store a cookie on your computer to record this choice and subsequent navigation of the website will be deemed a consent to the use of cookies used on the website in question . The notification banner will not appear again on the screen for future visits to the website, but users have the ability to remove cookies at any time via browser settings.

If you decide to remove part or all of the cookies, it is good to remember that the use of the Website may be affected by the removal of cookies and, if the computer on which you disable cookies is shared, such removal will affect all users using that computer.

The Help section of the web browser should contain information on managing the settings for cookies.

Where to find more information about cookies

Data Protection Commissioner:

The owner is not responsible for the content of external websites of third parties that may or may not use cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are in the directory of your browser. When you access a website, a cookie that is sent to the device through which you access the website sends information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on many websites. This happens because cookies allow those who run the website to do useful things; for example, a cookie enables the operator of a website to know if a computer (and probably its user) has visited the website before. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the operation of the website and the user experience in the use of the same, even if the cookies can also send advertising messages (as specified below). For more information on what cookies are and how they work, you can visit the website All About Cookies.

Types of cookies

Essential cookies
These cookies are essential to allow you to browse the site and use all the features. Without these cookies, which are absolutely necessary, we would not be able to provide certain services or functions and navigation on the site would not be as smooth and easy as it should be.

Performance cookies
Performance cookies, which are sometimes also called analytics cookies, collect information about the use you make of the website and allow us to improve its functioning. For example, performance cookies show us which pages are most frequently visited, allow us to see recurring patterns of use of the website, and help us to understand any difficulties you encounter when using the website.

Functionality cookies
In some circumstances we may use Functionality cookies. Functionality cookies allow us to remember the choices you make on the website and/or services you expressly request, in order to provide more advanced and more personalized services, such as customize a page or remind us if we asked you to participate in a promotion.

Cookies used by the Website

In order to best use the site, you need to have your computer, tablet or mobile phone accepts cookies, as only by enabling them can you make use of the custom features of our website.

Our cookies do not store sensitive information such as name, address or payment data: they are limited simply to keep a kind of "key" that, after your registration, will be associated with that information. However, if you prefer to restrict, block or erase cookies of this website or any other website, you can do so directly through your browser. As each browser is different, you must open the "Help" menu of your specific browser or consult the manual of your mobile phone to find out how to change your cookie preferences.
Here is a list of the main cookies used and related purposes.

Cookie name

Purpose of cookie

Google Analytics

Through Google Analytics, we can create custom user segmentation based on user behaviour on the default website. This cookie helps us to assign a visitor to a specific segment and provides us with analytical data that we use to improve the site.

Google Analytics

This cookie records the first and last visit to the website of a surfer. This helps distinguish single from repeat visitors, as well as the number of recurring visits.

Google Analytics __utmb and Google Analytics __utmc

These cookies work together in order to define the duration of a visit to a website. The __ UTMB cookie takes a timestamp of the moment a visitor comes to the site. The __ UTMC cookie takes a timestamp of when a visitor leaves the site.

Google Analytics

This cookie keeps track of specific tourist information: where does the visitors come from, which search engine did the visitor use, what keywords did the visitor use and what is the geographical location of the visitor. We use this information to improve the services we offer to you.

Third-party cookies on the website

Please note that while visiting the website, you may notice some cookies not related to our site. During the consultation of a page that contains content from, for example, Facebook or YouTube, cookies of these websites may appear. The website is not able to control the transmission of these cookies.
For more information about these cookies please see the related websites.

The website sharing tools

If you decide to share the content of the site with your friends through social networks, when this feature is present, these websites may send you cookies. We are not able to control the setting of these cookies, we therefore suggest visiting their websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.

How can I check or clear cookies?

The majority of Internet browsers are initially set to accept cookies automatically. You can change these settings to block cookies or to warn you that cookies are sent to your device. There are several ways to manage cookies.

To limit the receipt of cookies through your browser, visit the following sites to understand how to prevent your device from receiving cookies (depending on the browser you use): Firefox; Internet Explorer; Google Chrome and Safari.

If you disable the cookie we use, this may affect your experience while you are on the website. For example, you may not be able to visit certain sections or you might not receive personalized information when you visit the website.
If you use different devices together to view and access Internet sites (for example, computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), you must ensure that each browser on each device is adjusted to reflect your cookie preferences.