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With the partnership with Extrabanca, now our range of services also includes loans.

Extrabanca helps you to achieve all your current and future projects.

Our loans to private individuals are also perfect for those who have never asked for credit, regardless of the work they have done.

Lets build your future together



Is your best solution to enable you to get an entry visa to Italy for your family.

·   It only takes a few days

·   Accepted by all Italian Embassies worldwide

·   Agreement with Nobis - Filo Direttofor your obligatory medical insurance policy

    at special prices

It is the quickest solution when applying for an ENTRY VISA TO ITALY.

For some countries in the World, like Morocco, Russia, India, Argentina, Cuba and many others, you need to have a deed of guarantee in order to obtain an entry visa to Italy.

Many banks require you to provide collateral in cash, other times you may buy an insurance guarantee that is not always accepted by all embassies.

Extrabanca is the only bank in Italy that is an expert on immigration!



Is the all-purpose loan.

·   From 24 to 60 months

·   No set-up fee

·   No penalties for early repayment

You can borrow up to Euro 25,000 Come to one of our branches for a special advisory chat with one of our professionals!








Informativa resa ai sensi del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 (GDPR) del 27 aprile 2016 relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonché alla libera circolazione di tali dati. Gruppo Europa s.r.l. con sede in Milano, Via Pergolesi 2/a, in qualità di Titolare del trattamento, La informa che i Suoi dati personali, da Lei stesso forniti, saranno trattati esclusivamente per l’attività di contatto del soggetto interessato come da Sua specifica richiesta.