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Entrance and stay in Italy for TOURISM, BUSINESS, MEDICAL CARE and SPORT



There is a wide range of entry visas in Italy or in the short-term entry visas within the Schengen area (maximum 90 days):

•    Tourism

•    Business

•    Invitation

•    Medical care

•    Sport competitions

•    Medical visits


Our specialty is to provide clarifications on not only the current legislation but also on the custom applied by Italian embassies and consulates in the world.


What can we offer you?

•    Detailed consultancy

•    Information on the procedures

•    Support in contacting Italian embassies and consulates abroad

•    Information concerning the analysis of the application by embassies or consulates

•    Handling practices

•    Obtaining documentation in Italy

•    Issuance of documents required by law

•    Support in processing the necessary procedures due to the entry in Italy

     of non-EU foreigners

There is much more! Once in Italy, we assist and advise you on the most suitable practice to guarantee you a stay in our territory according to the current regulations.